When choosing your flooring system there a couple things to consider.
- What is the floor going to be used for? (foyer, dining, offices, warehouse, garage, retail..)
- At what grade is the concrete? (at, below, or above)
- What is the condition of the existing concrete floor? (patch and repair work, cracks, oil/other stains, old tile patterns, new concrete pours)
- Does the floor have to be truly 100% sealed? (Any floor that will be constantly wet or have chemical spills should be 100% sealed)
- Is visiable repair work in the concrete acceptable? (All Polish Concrete and Clear Epoxy Floors will show repair work in the floor)
These questions help decide your ideal floor.
When it is possible we always recommend Polished Concrete Floor. Refer to Why Polish Concrete.
Polished Concrete with Dye
- Color Not as vivid as sealed concrete
- Concrete is Not 100% sealed
- Good protection against spills
- There is no threat of delamination from Hydrostatic pressure or contaminated concrete because there is nothing to delaminate.
- Polished concrete is very hard.
- No smell, no cure time. Upon completion the floor is immediately ready for full use.
- Sheen/finish can be low, medium or high gloss
- Durability/longevity Unsurpassed. Known as the 100yr floor.
Clear Epoxy Floor with Dye
- Color "Pops" out more than Polished Concrete
- Concrete is 100% sealed
- Excellent protection against spills... Oil, gas, wine, coffee, acids, etc.
- Hydrostatic pressure and contaminated concrete poses the biggest threat of delamination...
- Coatings are more easily scratched/scuffed than Polished Concrete
- Stained and sealed concrete needs time to cure after the application has been applied. Temperature affects epoxy cure time. Unless MMA is used
- There can be a residual smell for a day or two because of the solvents in the epoxies/MMAs
- Sheen/finish is high gloss, satin when using MMAs
- The epoxy/MMA coating should stay bonded to the concrete as long as the layer of concrete it is bonded to lasts. All concrete is different.
Color Flake and Color Quartz Floors
- Color is exact to sample. Very consistent floor. No visiable repair work.
- Concrete is 100% sealed
- Excellent protection against spills... Oil, gas, wine, coffee, acids, etc.
- More durable and thicker coating than a clear epoxy floor.
- Hydrostatic pressure and contaminated concrete poses the biggest threat of delamination...
- There can be a residual smell for a day or two because of the solvents in the epoxies
- Temperature affects epoxy cure time. Ideal conditions... 7 Days unless MMA is used
- Sheen/finish is high gloss and the surface can be smooth or textured
- The epoxy/MMA coating should stay bonded to the concrete as long as the layer of concrete it is bonded to lasts. All concrete is different.
*Hydrostatic pressure is moisture that comes up through the concrete. If the Hydrostatic pressure is strong it can push the epoxy coating off of the concrete.
*Oil or silicon can contaminate the concrete. Soaked in oil cannot be removed.
All hinder the adhesion to the concrete.
A&G Contracting LLC --- 5926 Kavon Avenue --- Baltimore, Maryland 21206
Phone: 443-844-5322 --- Email: contact@agcontractingllc.com
--- MHIC#125505